Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Maybe July......

We Andy and I have been trying for another baby the past 2 months. But we really haven't been trying hard. I have not been temping or taking OPTs. And last month AF decided to be almost 3 weeks late....weird. But AF showed her face on Oct. 1st. And boy was she here with avengence. So I have been keeping tack of my CDs. I told Andy that I wanted to do it EOD for 2 weeks. HAHA I knew he would not be down with that much sex...lol. I checked my CM last night and noticed that it was getting stringy.  So we really stated trying last night. Today I took an OPT and I go a light line. I plan to go to the store and get a few more this afternoon (I used my last one).
So I plan to keep up the hard work of making a baby...lol! If all goes well.....I might (hope and pray) be having another baby in July! My HEDD is July 8. Not real crazy about the heat in July, in South Alabama, but I really want a healthy bay and would take at anytime. :)

*Here are some pregnancy acronyms I might use*
 2WW=two week wait (time after ovulation before you can take a pregnancy test)
 AF=Aunt Flo (e.g. menstrual period)
 BBT=basal body temperature (used to calculate a woman's fertile days)
 BCP=birth control pill
 BD=baby dance (sex)
 BFN=big fat negative (on a pregnancy test)
 BFP=big fat positive (pregnancy test)
 CD=cycle day
 CM=cervical mucous (conducts sperm to the egg)
 DPO=days past ovulation
 EPT=early pregnancy test
 EWCM=egg white cervical mucous (best for optimum sperm travel)
 FRER=First Response Early Result (pregnancy test)
 FMU=first morning urine (best time to take a pregnancy test)
 HPT=home pregnancy test
 LMP=last menstrual period (start date)
 OPK=ovulation predictor kit
 POAS=pee on a stick (e.g. take a pregnancy test)
 TTC=trying to conceive

1 comment:

miss.complicated said...

Will cross my fingers for you! Does a light line mean you've begun ovulation? I guess if so, I'll predict another boy for you!